Monday, February 25, 2008

Week of III Lent

Let us continue in prayer for...
Anglican Coalition in Canada (ACiC)
The Rt. Rev. Alexander Greene (Bishop)
The Rev. Barclay Mayo (Network Leader)

Thanksgiving for Mission
WE thank thee, most merciful Father, that it hath pleased thee to build thy Church in many lands. We praise thee for the light of the Gospel, the labours of thy servants, and the ministrations of thy Church. We also bless thy holy Name for those who have lived, and suffered, and died for thy sake; beseeching thee to give us grace so to follow their good examples, that with them we may at last attain thy heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer (1962, Canada)

Prayer from John 4:5-42
Father, your Son Jesus was weary from his journey, yet he reached out to reveal his saving presence to the Samaritan woman at the well. Though your Anglican witnesses in Canada are wearied by struggles and attacks, pour the Holy Spirit into their hearts and grant them renewal and revival in Christ.

And as the woman ran from the well and the saving presence of Christ spread to her neighbors, so send your Anglican witnesses to bring Christ to many across Canada.

We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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