Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week of X Pentecost (includes Lambeth intercessions)

Let Us Continue in Prayer For...
Kentucky Chapter, AAC
Mrs. Betty Lee Payne

Southern Ohio Chapter, AAC
Mr. Andy Figueroa

Northern Ohio Chapter, AAC

From the Psalms
Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness, because of mine enemies; * make thy way plain before my face. Psalm 5:8

Prayer for CCP Calendar
Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd, lead these faithful Anglicans in Kentucky and Ohio through the present chaos and hostility and establish them to serve you in peace. We ask this in your Name. Amen.

Prayers for the Lambeth Conference

For all CCP Bishops who are present (from on-site intercessors)

  • Courage, boldness, strength, stamina, clear concise thinking and speaking; to say what they mean and mean what they say.
  • To have the Mind of Christ.
  • Protection against surprises from the media.
  • That they remain calm and on course in the midst of any storm that may suddenly arise.

For media and bloggers

  • To seek and articulate the truth, with wisdom and courage and diligence
  • Spiritual protection: to be full of good cheer and wisdom, rather than demoralized over events that occur or do not occur

Special petitions from the Archbishop of the Sudan

  • We pray that God will heal us from the spirit of division.
  • We pray for God's strength and wisdom so that we might be built up in unity as the Body of Christ. The Most Revd Dr. Daniel Deng Bul

Special petitions from the Diocese of Sydney (linked by Anglican Network in Canada)

  • Bishop Robert Forsyth, Bishop of South Sydney and Commissary of the Diocese of Sydney, has called upon the people of the diocese to be in prayer for the Lambeth Conference which starts this weekend in England.
    “You will remember that when Archbishop Jensen announced our painful decision, in conscience, not to attend Lambeth, he also assured Archbishop Williams of our prayers for the conference. We grieve at the failings and defections from orthodox Christian behaviour and teaching in our Communion and fervently pray that things may yet be healed. We pray that both Lambeth and the GAFCON movement will be used by God to help churches throughout our communion move forward in love and truth.”

1 comment:

WHS said...

"Gracious Father, I humbly beseech Thee for Thy holy Catholic Church. Fill it with all truth, in all truth, with all peace. Where it is corrupt, purge it. Where it is in error, direct it. Where it is superstitious, rectify it. Where anything is amiss, reform it. Where it is right, strengthen and confirm it. Where it is in want, furnish it. Where it is divided and rent asunder, make up the breaches of it, O Thou Holy One of Israel."

--As originally composed by Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud (1573-1645)