Thursday, April 3, 2008

Eve of anticipated Virginia ruling

BabyBlueOnline (a lay person in the CCP) renews a call for prayer

I will remember the works of the LORD, *and call to mind your wonders of old time.

I will meditate on all your acts *and ponder your mighty deeds.

Your way, O God, is holy; *who is so great a god as our God?

You are the God who works wonders *and have declared your power among the peoples.

By your strength you have redeemed your people, *the children of Jacob and Joseph.

The waters saw you, O God;the waters saw you and trembled; *the very depths were shaken.

The clouds poured out water;the skies thundered; *your arrows flashed to and fro;

The sound of your thunder was in the whirlwind;your lightnings lit up the world; *the earth trembled and shook.

Your way was in the sea,and your paths in the great waters, *yet your footsteps were not seen.

You led your people like a flock *by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Psalm 77:11-20 Page 693, BCP

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