Let us pray for
Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA)
The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns (Missionary Bishop)
Anglican Church of Nigeria
Praise God for the celebrations of Holy Week..
Praise God for the conversions, baptisms, and recommitments to JesusChrist of youth and adults in several CANA congregations..
Praise God for the fresh surge of emphasis on healing and the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit in several CANA congregations..
Praise God for the dozens of Burmese immigrants recently confirmed at a church in Tennessee..
Praise God for the courage of a congregation in Texas to help stop a modern child slavery racket.
Sorrow for the slow progress in evangelizing the 10/40 window andunreached people groups in other parts of the world..
Sorrow for the failure of discipleship in the Church at large that has allowed some evangelical Christians in the West to convert to Islam..
Sorrow for the greed that has led to the US economic downturn.
Thanksgiving for the growth of churches in the Majority World, includingthe planting of 300 new churches in the Church of Nigeria in the past year..
Thanksgiving for the effective progress of Anglican ministries in fighting pandemics in the Majority World..
Thanksgiving for the continued leadership of the Church of Nigeria and other provinces in leading a way forward for the future of Anglican Christianity..
Thanksgiving for the straightforward articulations of Bishop Mouneer of Egypt..
Thanksgiving for the life witness of Bishop Cox and Bishop Schofield..
Thanksgiving for the courage and faithfulness of our brothers and sistersin Canada.. Thanksgiving for the emerging ministries of CANA's and AMiA's new bishops..
Thanksgiving for the wisdom and discernment of Virginia Judge Bellows, re the TEC litigation against CANA churches in Virginia..
Praise God for the safe return of Chaplain Rindahl from Iraq.
For peace through Jesus Christ in the Middle East, the Congo, the Sudan,and other places torn by war and corrupt leadership..
For GAFCON: for Godspeed & good health for all participants..
For Common Cause, for wisdom..
For orthodox clergy and congregations discerning the future of their Anglican affiliation..
For the strengthening of clergy marriages and family relationships..
For bi-vocational priests facing difficult decisions about balancing their schedule..
For all clergy and laity who are being pinched by the current state ofthe US economy..
For seminarians seeking open doors to serve God and the Church..
For missionaries having difficulty raising funds; that they may find newopen doors and places to serve.
Scripture, Tradition and Reason:
(Jesus) promised to be not only with these disciples, but also with all who would subsequently believe after them. Jesus speaks to all believers as if to one body. Do not speak to me, he says, of the difficulties you will face, for "I am with you," as the one who makes all things easy. Remember that this is also said repeatedly to the prophets in the Old Testament. Recall Jeremiah objecting that he is too young and Moses and Ezekiel shrinking from the prophetic office. "I am with you" is spoken to all these people.
St. John Chrysostom, The Gospel of Matthew, Homily 90.2
St. John Chrysostom, The Gospel of Matthew, Homily 90.2
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